This weekend we travelled to Cedar Falls, Iowa with Grandma and Grandpa Larson for a wedding shower. While we were in Cedar Falls we stayed with Great Grandma and Grandpa Ehlers--they were soooooo excited to meet you! You were such a good baby; you smiled and told everybody lots of stories. I think everybody was quite smitten for you. :-)
You were so excited you didn't want to think. You kept mommy and daddy up for most of Saturday night. You weren't crying or fussing, you just didn't want to sleep. Who could blame you? You were having such a good time meeting lots of people and playing with your grandmas.
Last week you discovered that you can stick your tounge out at mommy and daddy and you get such a kick out of it-- you always have the biggest grin on your face. You also like it when mommy pretends her fingers are bee and she buzzes it around you and lands on your nose or cheeks then you explode into cute little baby smiles and tiny giggles.
Today we had our first Mommy and Baby yoga class and we had lots of fun with the other babies and mommies. You weren't quite sure of everything at first, but after I nursed you for a bit you perked right up and got the hang of things. I'm so proud of you!
Love you lots,my smiley girl. :-)
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